Krassimira Ilieva-Makulec (Ph.D.)


Assistant professor of soil ecology. She has been studying soil nematodes for over 20 years conducting research on nematode diversity and community structure in natural and man transformed ecosystems. An important focus of her research is interactions in the soil food-web, with particular emphasis on the interactions between nematodes, microorganisms, earthworms, and plants. She is also interested in using nematodes as indicators of soil health. Moreover, she has been conducting research on the influence of climate change on soil nematodes. Since 2014, a member of the management committee of EU COST Action 1308 – Climate Change Manipulation Experiments in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Networking and Outreach (ClimMani). Member of the European Society of Nematologists.


Soil Ecology, Structure, and Function of Soil Nematode Communities, Soil Food-Web
Interactions, Soil Fauna in Bioindication


Post fulfilled:

  • Assistant editor of  the scientific journal “Polish Journal of Ecology”
  • Deputy Editor of the “Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae”
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Christian Philosophy
  • Member of the program council of the Open University of UKSW
  • Member of the Management Committee of the COST action ES1308 ClimMani: Climate Change Manipulation Experiments in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Networking and Outreach.
  • tutor of the students of the I year, II level  Environmental Protection, 2016/2017
  • Member of the university appellate disciplinary commission for students


Habilitation Thesis:

Structure of nematode communities as an indicator of changes taking place in the soil

Doctoral dissertation:
Comparison of the  life strategy of two species of bacterial-feeding nematodes Acrobeloides nanus and Dolichorhabditis dolichura” (1998)

Master’s thesis:
“Structure of phytocoenosis of  lentils and peas” (1986)


Membership in Scientific Organizations and Associations:
European Society of Nematologists – from 1996 (representative for Poland)


Grants, projects, expert’s statement, scientific research:

  • Action of the European Commission COST ES1308 ClimMani: “Climate Change Manipulation Experiments in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Networking and Outreach”. Implementation period 2013-2018 (an active part in the action, and a member of the management committee).
  • “Development of innovative methods for rapid identification of nematodes that cause damage to the economy”. A project of Museum and Institute of Zoology PAN co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Implementation period 2010-2014 (a contractor in the project).
  • “Metabolic Theory in Ecology at the local level: the relationship between the biomass, population density, species richness and the body size of selected animal taxa in Kampinos National Park”, NCN (2011/01/N/NZ6/05433). Implementation period 2010-2013. Project in PAN CBE.
  • “The importance of direct sowing for the conservation of organic matter and soil structure and diversity of soil fauna”, MNiSzW (N305171136). Implementation period 2009-2011. The project implemented at the Faculty of Agriculture and Biology, Warsaw Agricultural University (a contractor in the project).

Recent publications:

  • Walker T.W.N., Janssens I.A., Weedon J.T.,Sigurdsson B.D., Richter A.,Peñuelas J., Leblans N.I.W., Bahn M., Bartrons M., De Jonge C., Fuchslueger L., Gargallo-Garriga A., Gunnarsdóttir G.E., Marañón-Jiménez S., Oddsdóttir E.S., Ostonen I., Poeplau Ch., Prommer J., Radujković D., Sardans J., Sigurðsson P., Soong J.L., Vicca S., Wallander H., Ilieva-Makulec K., Verbruggen E., 2020. A systemic overreaction to years versus decades of warming in a subarctic grassland ecosystem. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 4: 101-108.

  • Uvarov A.V., Ilieva-Makulec K., Karaban K., Yakovenko N.S., Uchmański J., 2019. Effects of intra- and interspecific interactions in earthworm assemblages: a comparative study. Biology Bulletin, 46: 475-482.

  • Holmstrup M., Ehlers B.K., Slotsbo S., Ilieva-Makulec K., Sigurdsson B.D., Leblans N.I.W, Ellers J., Berg M.P., 2018. Functional diversity of Collembola is reduced in soils subjected to short-term, but not long-term, geothermal warming. Functional Ecology, 32: 1304–1316.

  • Ilieva-Makulec K., Kozacki D., Makulec G., 2018. Corvid roosts in the city: first results about their impact on the taxonomic diversity and trophic structure of the soil nematode community. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, Suppl. 12: 11-19.

  • Ilieva-Makulec K., Rybarczyk-Mydłowska K., Winiszewska G., Flis Ł., Tereba A., Kowalewska K., Malewski T., 2017. Morphological and molecular analysis of Paratrichodorus teres (Hooper 1962) (Nematoda: Trichodoridae): a groundwork for discussion on the phylogeny and pathogenicity of Paratrichodorus species. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 148:907-917.

  • Ilieva-Makulec K., Tyburski J., Makulec G., 2016. Soil nematodes in organic and conventional farming system: a comparison of the taxonomic and functional diversity. Polish Journal of Ecology, 64: 571-587.

  • Ilieva-Makulec K., Bjarnadottir B., Sigurdsson B.D. 2015. Soil nematode communities on Surtsey, 50 years after the formation of the volcanic island. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences, 28, 1, 43-58.

  • Hoste-Danyłow A., Ilieva-Makulec K., Olejniczak I., Hajdamowicz I., Stańska M., Dawid Marczak D., Wytwer J., Faleńczyk-Koziróg K., Ulrich W. 2013. The shape of the intraspecific metabolic rate  – body size relationship influences interspecific biomass and abundance distributions of soil animals within a forest ecosystem. Annales Zoologici Fennici 50: 289–302.

  • Ilieva-Makulec K., De Boeck H.J. 2013. Changes in soil nematode community structure following warming and drought manipulations in a grassland mesocosm experiment. Polish Journal of Ecology 61: 157-163.

  • Szanser M., Ilieva-Makulec, Kajak A., Górska E., Kusińska A., Kisiel M., Olejniczak I., Russel S., Sieminiak D., Wojewoda D. 2011. Impact of litter species diversity on decomposition processes and communities of soil organisms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43: 9–19.